Event Organizer in Aarhus
"Event Organizer in Aarhus” is a website designed for anyone who wants to organize an event in Aarhus - an international event city.

This site is designed to simplify matters when organizing events in the City of Aarhus. Here, you should be able to find all the information you need in one place.
Aarhus is a truly vibrant city - and exiting events help to maintain Aarhus as an attractive place to live, work, visit and do business. Via this website, we make it easier and more manageable to organize events.
Aarhus is, in many ways, the ideal place to organize an event, whether it be in sports, culture, concerts, conferences or something else. We are centrally located in Denmark - with good access, whether guests and participants arrive by car, bus, train, or plane.
Ideally located on the coast and close to the forests – and with everything within walking distance - Aarhus offers a great variety of venues in good locations, whether you are organizing a major international event or a smaller intimate event.
Most venues are located right in city centre or within a few kilometres of the centre. The City of Aarhus is characterized by a bustling city atmosphere, a vibrant cultural scene, varied café- and nightlife and an attractive shopping environment. Thus, when organizing events in Aarhus you can achieve synergy with the experiences of Aarhus’ exiting city life.
Cooperation between the City of Aarhus and event organizers in Aarhus
The site – Event Organizer in Aarhus – is a co-operation between the City of Aarhus and various larger and smaller event organizers in Aarhus, both within sports and culture. All parties involved are experienced organizers who will utilize this page to share their knowledge, and we hope that even more organizers will contribute with inputs, both to this page and other organizers.
Further information – or suggestions regarding further content
For further information or to suggest changes – or additions to this page, please contact Aarhus Events. Contact details can be found in the box on the right-hand side.
Mail: aarhusevents@aarhus.dk